We Can Schedule a meeting with our customers and coworkers inside of salesforce without any third party help. We Can Invite Upto 50 Contacts(Contact Must have email address).
- Add “New Request Button” to the open activities (It’s related list on contact,lead and person account page layout) To do That follow the steps Name | Setup | App Setup | Customize | Activities | Cloud Scheduler.
2. Choose your Custom Logo in the meeting request.To do That follow the steps Name | Setup | App Setup | Customize | Activities | Cloud Scheduler.
3. We can schedule meetings from a contact or lead, personal accounts or Calendar section on the Home tab
4. Now click on “To” invite other Salesforce users, leads, contacts, or personal accounts to the meeting. You can select type of invitee from the drop-down list. select invites and click on Done Button.
5. Next, Enter a subject and location as per your choice.
6. Click Next.
7. You can write a message to the invitees, and click Send, Salesforce emails a meeting request to the invitees.
8. Salesforce captures all of this information for you in the open activity related list.
We have Schedule a meeting by using Cloud Scheduler. so kindly let us know if you have any query.
—————————————***Thank You***———————————————-