We want to validate the phone field that it should have 10 digits only and the last name should have text only so how to use the extension. I...
Below code would help to create a table to display detailpage by using the visualforce page. Step1:- Inline Visualforce Page:- <apex:page standardController="Lead" extensions="MonthTableExample"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock title="Inline Visualforce Page Example"> <table...
Sometimes we are getting a lot of confused in visualforce page header and footer assignment (when Change to PDF Format). Don’t Worry about it hereafter, You can avoid this...
One Of The Easy Way To Call JavaScript From Static Resource is Following <script> <apex:includeScript value=”{!URLFOR($Resource.MerfantzScript, ‘MerfantzScript/js/jquery-ui.custom.min.js’)}”/> </script> ——————— We Are Happy To Helping You ————————-
We demonstrate creation for lightening application, component, and CSS. So it is helpful you can work in mobile phone/desktop with flexible through Salesforce. Step – 1: First to...
We can explain how to attain animation through lightening component which is support on the mobile phone. Please do the below steps you can access possible. Step -1: First...
The below code describes in an insert file into ‘Document‘ Object and gets it to Visual force page. Step 1: Click ‘Document‘ object tab. Step 2: Insert a file into...
The below code explains, create picklist values and set a default value in the visual force page with apex class. Step 1: Create visualforce page with the following code....
The below code is useful to open pdf file from Static Resource using visual force page. Step 1: Upload pdf file in Static Resource Setup -> Develop -> Static Resources...
We may require often for calling the SOQL from Javascript. We are (Merfantz Technologies) implemented this kind of scenario to Many of our clients.